We’re excited to announce our new partnership with Kaitlyn Keller and her impressive line of products! After a thorough conversation, it’s clear that Kaitlyn truly knows her stuff. Her expertise and commitment to quality resonate perfectly with our mission here at Schwarz General & Feed Store.

These products are not just a good fit for our shelves; they add value to the community we serve. Our customers can now access Kaitlyn's offerings through our store and online ordering platform. Get ready, because we’re raising the bar on what you can expect from your general store. Keep an eye out for these new arrivals—we’re confident you’ll love them as much as we do! Even if you want to go direct to her for the product, we support that. You can even have it shipped to our store and pick it up there. We are here to promote and support great businesses and our clients any way we can.

Click on the cows to go to KSX Performance Facebook page, or you can go to their website by clicking here, https://www.ksxperformance.com/ .



“KSX supplements support immune health and combat scours for a variety of species. KSX manufactures a full line of livestock product technologies. All products are a special mixture of microbial stimulating enzymes, vitamins, and nutrients. The products increase activity of positive microorganisms in the rumen and supplement essential vitamins and minerals.

“The difference in KSX products and other products on the market is we’re a complete product with probiotics, vitamins, minerals, an energy source and specific proteins to provide immunity for the toughest bacteria on the planet,” Keller said. “It’s an all-in-one product that not only prevents health problems later on but it also can help support the system to treat current health problems.”

How it works

Egg Protein Technology (EPT) can produce specific antibodies to match specific pathogens in concentrations that are clinically proven to be effective. Our proteins provide a critical bridge from birth to the time when vaccinations can be given. They provide a natural, safe, non-toxic support to fight off the toughest pathogens for all classes of livestock. These immunity proteins can be fed orally as a milk additive, tablet, paste or powder form on top of feed. Older animals can be fed these to displace pathogens from the gut.”